Finding the man within

You’ve been through a lot. Hiding yourself for such a long time to make it through life this far. Relationships have caused angst and turmoil as you’ve desperately attempted to make things work. But here you are going through a break up, or even considering a divorce because somewhere you got stuck, and it just stopped working.

Some people may have said you need anger management because you have “anger issues.” I’d venture to guess its really more like you are angry about some issues.

Trying to make it work with everyone and to meet all the expectations of your family and friends has left you exhausted, angry and overwhelmed. Worst of all, we lost you.

It’s a lonely place out there all by yourself, trying to figure it out and get it right. All this has caused you not to trust yourself and forget about your hopes and dreams. We lost what being alive is for you.

When I start working with men, it’s often difficult to answer even the seemingly simplest questions. Things that other people seem not to struggle with like what do you want?

If you don't have an answer to this question; you’re in the right place. Many of my clients can’t even answer this question and it brings up so many other questions. Can I know what I want? Can I even trust what I feel inside of myself is okay?

These reactions are normal for men who have not been given the space to know and experience who they are. It may seem selfish and rude to choose something for yourself, but it’s time. You have been missing out on that grounded and connected sense of confidence that makes you show up in life.

When you hide behind anger or perfectionism we miss out on the thing that makes you lovable. The real you. That adventurous, audacious, engaging, insightful man who has great ideas for the future and life to live.

It’s time to come alive. It’s time to figure out who you are and bring that man to life. Remember that anger we talked about? It’s telling you that something needs to happen. Something needs to change.

Are you ready? Of course not. You’re not required to be. The only requirement is that you show up.

Show up for yourself today and contact me for your first appointment.