Lets Do This


Contact me

<< May 2021 || I have two openings for new clients. >>

You don’t need to doubt yourself any longer. Take the next step in finding you. Click the link above and follow the prompts to schedule a consultation with me.

During the consultation we can discuss any questions you have. I can find out what you are needing from therapy and share with you how I work.

12110 Business Blvd
Suite 6 #259
Eagle River, AK 99577
(907) 290-7022

Psychology Today


What happens next?


Prior to the first session I will send out a link to a client portal through Simple Practice. Here you will be able to fill out your intake paperwork, sign releases, and review information about therapy with me. Payments are processed through Simple Practice, so you will need to put a credit or debit card on file.

When this paperwork is complete I will schedule our first 80 minute session with you. This session is a bit longer so we have time to answer any questions you have and so I can get a clear understanding of your needs and how I can help. .

Each session after this is normally 55 minutes. If you are needing longer sessions please let me know during the initial session and we can discuss how I can make this happen. If you are coming to therapy with your partner our next 2 sessions will be individually scheduled so I can make sure couples therapy is going to work. I’d hate for you to spend a bunch of time on something that isn’t going to work! 

I normally meet with clients on a weekly basis for the first month to get some traction, and then discuss moving to a less frequent schedule if that is appropriate for your needs. 

Since we will be meeting online, you will need to find a quiet and confidential place to meet with me. If you have a pet, bring him. He’s going to end up on screen somehow anyway. If you have kids, they will probably bust through the door at the most inopportune time to make sure you know they ran out of Captain Crunch. I will get us back on track. Show up in something that makes you feel comfortable and sit in a relaxing chair. Make sure there are some tissues near by, we are going to dive in and do some work. 

Yes, we are going to talk about some heavy things and it's going to be uncomfortable and unnerving and awkward and difficult, difficult difficult. I know how to do difficult.  It’s also going to be relieving, and rewarding to finally get through all that. We are going to laugh at the funny things, cry with the sad, and celebrate the victories that come from your hard work.