Communication Issues

That’s why you’re here right? Communication is breaking down once again. It has been another week of anger, being misunderstood, and bickering back and forth about things that at the end of the day, don’t matter that much.

But somehow the two of you cannot move past it. No matter how many times you explain your point it’s not working. What is this, the fifth conversation about the same thing? Seventh? Might as well be the 100th, and you’re so done trying to make them understand.

So many of my clients come into the first session frustrated with one another because of this constant cycle that keeps coming up over and over again.

Despite trying to preserve the relationship by ignoring your emotions about it or letting it be, the cycle continues to show up and make a mess of everything.

No matter how many times you’ve tried to hash it out or in the moment dig it out of your partner, they still end up being angry, and you end up feeling bad that it happened again.

It may be to the point that you’re no longer talking, no longer intimate… roommates.

It may be even worse than that.




Is that what you signed up for in this relationship?

So this is more than just communication issues. It’s about that gut wrenching feeling you get when she walks out of the room because she cannot take it anymore. It’s about how you’ve fought to stay in connection with one another, but it ended up with you saying something that once again shut him down. It’s about seeing that hurt written all over your partners face as they sit in the other room. So close yet so far away.

Couples that come to me know how to talk, but they don’t know what to talk about. We work together to find the thing that really needs to be talked about. Past the anger, and the yelling, and the walking on egg shells. Down into that part of you that is just screaming out saying, can you just get me? Can you just let me get you?

I’m here to help that voice be heard.