In the midst of 8 billion people…

Finding You

I help men find themselves

My clients struggle like you do. Despite doing the right thing, looking out for others, and being kind, life continues to be difficult.

When they first come in they are struggling in relationships, going through breakups, and feeling lost. Many are saying “how did this happen to me again? How did I find myself with this same type of person again”.

They’ve worked so hard to put others first and put their needs aside, hoping that one day someone would notice. But once again, no one noticed, no one cared, no one caught they were not okay.

So they show up in relationship angry, pushy, insensitive and critical. Some people would even say they don’t care about what others think or feel.

They have championed other people’s goals, cheered when others are winning at life, but that sinking feeling sets into the pit of their stomach… when am I going to get to win?

Maybe its been framed as co-dependency, people pleasing, indecisiveness, or lack of drive. Whatever it is, it gets in the way of the life they really want.

They aren’t the man they want to be. They feel like they are failing at becoming and being seen as a man.

And their confidence and belief in themselves gets less and less.

Before they come to see me they’re even worried about if starting therapy is the right thing to do. They’re concerned of what others will think of their therapist, and if I am the right person for them in their spouse’s eyes. They’re also pretty certain if they start to think of themselves and invest in themselves that it will be devastating, because their family members will see them as selfish, self-centered, and uncaring.

Like my clients, you deserve to know how to be successful, and even what success looks like for you today. Having that internal grounded self-confidence… that gut feeling that you are a good man is not out of your reach.

If you want to figure out how to say yes, or no, and know that it is what you really feel, I’d love to help you get there.

Call now. You don’t have to stay stuck. I can help.

lang hair and beard shadow in front of a brick wall, Men's Counseling, Justin Dobrenz, LMFT, LLC,

Therapy for Men

Time to lose the self-doubt and gain self-worth

happy couple with woman smiling at the camera, Men's Counseling, Justin Dobrenz, LMFT, LLC,

Therapy for Couples

Moving couples from tension and confusion to peace and security

mac computer on a highrise with coffe cup, Men's Counseling, Justin Dobrenz, LMFT, LLC,

Online Therapy for Alaskans

Therapy from the comfort of your home
Confidential | Convenient | Consistent

Justin in the Snow, Men's Counseling, Justin Dobrenz, LMFT, LLC,

Your new therapist

I help men who are unsure about themselves and couples who have been impacted by insecurity